If you are looking for a place outside of the big city, the Little Rock area has some delightful suburbs that offer affordable home options with access to all the amenities of city living. Benton and Bryant are two of these Little Rock suburbs well worth looking at when searching for a new home in the Little Rock area!
Benton Square
Located just southwest of Little Rock along Interstate 30, Benton is the county seat of Saline County and has enjoyed significant growth over the past few years. Benton is a colorful and sunny community with plenty of Southern charm. The increasing popularity of the city is evident by its population increase of about 30% over the past ten years, and the community continues to grow and develop today.
Benton offers excellent value—the city has the advantage of providing a quality of suburban living equal to that of Little Rock, but with a more affordable price range. Benton residents have said that the city boasts an increasingly strong business community and an active chamber of commerce organization, and is an excellent environment for raising a family. Benton also has excellent ratings for schools and education.
Also along Interstate 30, between Little Rock and Benton, is another delightful suburb. Although smaller than Benton, the City of Bryant also offers great value for comfortable suburban living. The Keep Bryant Beautiful campaign and the Jumpstart urban revitalization program are also examples of Bryant’s vibrant and active community that will enjoy significant growth over the coming years.
Bryant High School
The Southern charm of this area is perhaps the most attractive characteristic. Located between Little Rock and Hot Springs, both Benton and nearby Bryant provide antique seekers ample opportunity to search for treasures with several antique malls on both sides of the interstate. The Saline River has excellent fishing, scenery and back-country floating for the outdoors enthusiast. Aside from antiques and beautiful natural attractions, there are plenty of signature dining options in Benton and Bryant. Brown’s Country Store and Restaurant, for one, is an iconic attraction in Benton along I-30, and is a long-time favorite stop for Arkansans, out-of-state travelers, and local residents alike.
All in all, the Benton-Bryant area is an excellent choice for suburban living. If you’re looking for a new home for your family, the value is hard to beat! These beautiful Little Rock suburbs provide quiet suburban living with the amenities of the big city, as well as strong, family-oriented communities.